Sunday, September 21, 2008

My First Blog

This is my first blog. I never thought that I would ever write a blog, but here I'm drawn into writing blogs. This first post is just an experiment and hope that to get better at it. Being first attempt,this is a very short blog. 

I was quite shaken this week by the blasts that happened in Delhi. Having grown up in and spent my entire childhood and teen years in Delhi, I've always felt very much attached to Delhi, despite being away from Delhi for past 8 years. I've always felt the great Delhi as my hometown. Being a proud Delhi-ite, I was very much visibly disturbed to hear such sad news about blasts in Delhi. It's a dastardly act that needs to condemned by one and all. My heart goes out to all those who had to suffer due to these blasts. However, knowing the resilience of Delhi-ites, I pray to the almighty that my fellow Delhi-ites put these blasts behind them, and to look towards a more bright and secure Delhi. 

On this note, I begin my blog. I'll try to be as regular in updating my blog as possible.